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2024-04-24 22:51How Lifestyle Changes Helped Minimize My COPD Episodes
Edi Mesa made these lifestyle changes in order to keep COPD episodes to a minimum.
2024-04-24 22:27FDA Approves Antibiotic to Treat Urinary Infections
Pivmecillinam, which has been used in Europe for decades, will become available next year to women 18 and older.
New York Times - Health
2024-04-24 21:19Takeaways From the Supreme Court Argument on Idaho’s Abortion Ban
The court’s ruling could extend to at least half a dozen other states that have similarly restrictive bans, and the implications of the case could stretch beyond abortion.
New York Times - Health
2024-04-24 21:19Supreme Court Arguments on Idaho’s Abortion Ban: 5 Takeaways
The court’s ruling could extend to at least half a dozen other states that have similarly restrictive bans, and the implications of the case could stretch beyond abortion.
New York Times - Health
2024-04-24 21:09Have Male Urinary Tract Symptoms? An App May Offer Relief
The urgent need to pee, a strangled flow and the feeling that you didn’t get it all out of you. Those are all the symptoms of male lower urinary tract problems and more than 72% of men experience at least one of them.
2024-04-24 20:18Dairy Cows Transported Between States Must Now Be Tested for Bird Flu
Since a new form of bird flu arrived in 2022, federal officials have sought to reassure Americans that the threat to the public remained low.
New York Times - Health
2024-04-24 19:56Evolutionsbiologe klärt auf: Schlank dank Sport? Von wegen! Experte räumt mit dem größten Abnehm-Mythos auf
Allein mit Joggen abnehmen? Funktioniert leider nicht, sagt der Evolutionsbiologe Herman Pontzer. Hier stellt er seine überraschenden Forschungsergebnisse vor – und erklärt, warum Bewegung trotzdem so wichtig für uns Menschen ist.
2024-04-24 19:31Grandmother Becomes Second Patient to Receive Kidney From Gene-Edited Pig
NYU Langone Health surgeons performed the transplant after implanting a mechanical heart pump in the severely ill patient.
New York Times - Health
2024-04-24 19:14Weight Loss Drugs With Your Gym Membership? What to Know
Weights, aerobics, and … Wegovy? Some in the fitness industry are moving to dispense the popular GLP-1 medications to club members, combining the new, easier method of losing weight with the old, more challenging one.
2024-04-24 18:11How Inclusive Is Your Senior Community?
As the baby boomers age, senior living communities are working on appealing to a more diverse generation.
2024-04-24 18:02Die Diagnose: Eine Frau leidet seit Langem unter Reizhusten. Ein Arzt findet den Grund – auf ihrem Speiseplan
Immer wieder muss die Frau sich räuspern. Sie muss husten, kämpft gegen Heiserkeit. Ein spezielles Getränk hilft ihr.
2024-04-24 17:57Fentanyl DrugFacts
Source: National Institute on Drug AbuseRelated MedlinePlus Pages: Opioids and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
2024-04-24 14:30New Nutrition Guidelines Put Less Sugar and Salt on the Menu for School Meals
The Agriculture Department finalized a new rule to bring the meals more in line with federal dietary standards.
New York Times - Health
2024-04-24 13:35Bird Flu Outbreak in Cattle May Have Begun Months Earlier Than Thought
A single spillover, from a bird to a cow, led to the infections, a review of genetic data has found.
New York Times - Health
2024-04-24 13:23Statistik: Die Zahl der Abtreibungen ist im vergangenen Jahr gestiegen
In Deutschland gibt es weiter weniger Abtreibungen als noch Anfang der 2000er, aber mehr als im Vorjahr. Woran der leichte Anstieg liegt, ist unklar.
2024-04-24 13:09Türkei: Zahnarzt bohrt Patient versehentlich Schraube bis ins Gehirn, bringt ihn ins Krankenhaus und haut ab
Bei einer Implantat-Behandlung in Bursa traf ein Zahnarzt mit einer Schraube das Gehirn eines Patienten. Der Patient musste notoperiert werden. Nun hat er rechtliche Schritte gegen den Mediziner eingeleitet.
2024-04-24 09:00Breaking Down New Rules About ‘Forever Chemicals’
Lisa Friedman, who covers climate change, discussed the fight to regulate toxic chemicals found in nearly half of America’s tap water.
New York Times - Health
2024-04-24 07:17Calls to help with donations of 'miracle' plasma
Two women describe the life-changing impacts of immunoglobulin in treating their health conditions.
BBC News Health
2024-04-24 02:18Action needed on needless asthma deaths, says charity
There were more than 12,000 UK deaths in the past decade, many of them needless, a charity warns.
BBC News Health
2024-04-24 02:08PM's dementia adviser quits over benefits clawback
Johnny Timpson says the government is failing to protect vulnerable people by not intervening earlier.
BBC News Health

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