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2024-05-09 11:27Whooping cough cases up again as five babies die
There were 1,300 cases of the bacterial infection in March, after just over 900 in February in England.
BBC News Health
2024-05-09 08:16Pflege in Eigenregie: Telefonterror, Vorwürfe und ständig dieses Chaos: Was tun, wenn die Eltern nicht ins Pflegeheim wollen?
Die betagten Eltern wollen so lange wie möglich im eigenen Haus leben. Der erwachsene Sohn versucht, die Pflege möglich zu machen: Er kümmert sich um Hilfen, Treppenlifte und Arzt-Rechnungen. Doch bald kommen die beiden Senioren daheim nich...
2024-05-09 06:00Hundreds of infected blood victims living with undetected Hep C
About 1,750 people are unaware they caught hepatitis C from infected blood, BBC analysis reveals.
BBC News Health
2024-05-09 01:27Gene-therapy leap restores baby girl's hearing
Opal, 18 months, can now hear - even a whisper - after becoming the first person to try a new treatment.
BBC News Health
2024-05-08 22:01Liebe, Lust, Libido: Frau Schiftan, wie steigere ich meine Lust (wieder)?
Sexfragen und -mythen gibt es zuhauf. Wie haben uns einige davon vorgenommen und beantworten sie in dieser Serie gemeinsam mit Sexologin Dania Schiftan. In dieser Folge geht es um das Thema Libido steigern.
2024-05-08 20:19Milton Diamond, Sexologist and Advocate for Intersex Babies, Dies at 90
He pushed back against doctors who recommended surgery on infants born with ambiguous genitalia, arguing for acceptance of diversity.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-08 20:12Plant-Powered Sleep: Vegan, Vegetarian Diets Unlock Extra ZZZs
Vegans and vegetarians sleep around 30 more minutes per night than average and up to 90% of them report good or excellent sleep quality, according to a new survey published by the Sleep Foundation.
2024-05-08 17:53Impfung mit Vaxzevria : Woran AstraZenecas Corona-Impfstoff gescheitert ist
AstraZenecas Corona-Impfstoff ist in der EU nicht mehr zugelassen. Der Pharma-Riese selbst beantragte die Rücknahme der Zulassung. Spielten dabei auch Sicherheitsbedenken eine Rolle? Viel wahrscheinlicher sind ganz andere Interessen, sagt u...
2024-05-08 17:00Environmental Changes Are Fueling Human, Animal and Plant Diseases, Study Finds
Biodiversity loss, global warming, pollution and the spread of invasive species are making infectious diseases more dangerous to organisms around the world.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-08 17:00Google Unveils AI for Predicting Behavior of Human Molecules
The system, AlphaFold3, could accelerate efforts to understand the human body and fight disease.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-08 16:23Agency charging NHS nearly £2,000 for nurse shift
A leading NHS boss says firms are deliberately targeting areas where nurses are in short supply.
BBC News Health
2024-05-08 13:27AstraZeneca to withdraw Covid vaccine
The firm said the decision was taken because of a decline in demand for the vaccine.
BBC News Health
2024-05-08 11:06RFK Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain
The presidential candidate has faced previously undisclosed health issues, including a parasite that he said ate part of his brain.
New York Times - Health
2024-05-08 07:28Mum never got over injecting son with infected blood
Kate McDougall gave her son injections to treat his haemophilia which unknowingly led to his HIV infection.
BBC News Health
2024-05-08 07:17Antisemitism complaints surge after Hamas attacks
A Jewish doctor speaks of being abused by a colleague, as reports to the GMC of antisemitism surge.
BBC News Health
2024-05-08 00:30Anorexia: The Body Neglected
What, exactly, does anorexia nervosa do inside the human body? The heart and bones suffer the most.
2024-05-07 11:55Girl's brain tumour misdiagnosed for three years
Tia Gordon, 11, was given painkillers for tummy bugs and migraines before the tumour was discovered.
BBC News Health
2024-05-07 10:57NHS data stolen in cyber attack published on dark web
A ransomware group carries out its threat to NHS Dumfries and Galloway and releases a "large volume" of patients' data.
BBC News Health
2024-05-07 09:46Gut zu wissen: Warum unser Urin nach dem Spargelessen stinkt
Wer Spargel isst, erlebt auf der Toilette eine geruchliche Überraschung. Aber warum eigentlich? Und was kann man gegen den stinkigen Spargel-Urin tun?
2024-05-07 07:01Assisted dying debate terrifying for disabled, says Liz Carr
As legal assisted dying receives more support, the actress expresses deep concern for disability rights.
BBC News Health

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