Idegennyelvű hírek

2024-07-27 02:01'My body just keeps swelling and swelling'
Chloe Davies has "spontaneous swelling attacks", which can be life-threatening.
BBC News Health
2024-07-27 01:36Are you feeling grotty all the time?
Why some people are saying they've been ill all year.
BBC News Health
2024-07-26 20:31Autumn date to fix blood transfusion services
The systems were affected by a hack on the NHS, which caused significant disruption.
BBC News Health
2024-07-26 Clinical Info: Clinical Guidelines
Source: - Related MedlinePlus Pages: HIV Medicines, HIV and Infections, HIV: PrEP and PEP, Living with HIV
2024-07-26 19:01EU regulator rejects Alzheimer's drug lecanemab
It said the benefits of the treatment did not outweigh the risk of serious side effects.
BBC News Health
2024-07-26 18:44For Epidemics to Cross Oceans, Viruses on Ships Had to Beat the Odds
In the era when people traveled by sailing ship and steamer, illnesses usually burned themselves out before boats reached shore, a new study finds.
New York Times - Health
2024-07-26 18:31stern Frauensprechstunde: Herzchirurgin erklärt: Haben Mütter wirklich ein größeres Herz?
In der neuen stern-Gesundheitsserie Frauensprechstunde sprechen Expertinnen über Gesundheitsthemen rund um den weiblichen Körper. In der ersten Folge mit Herzchirurgin Sandra Eifert geht es darum, was das weibliche Herz während der Schwange...
2024-07-26 14:18Charité in Berlin: HIV-Heilung: "Auch wir waren überrascht – und müssen unsere alten Theorien überdenken"
Heute endet in München die Welt-AIDS-Konferenz. Ein Gespräch mit dem HIV-Forscher Christian Gaebler von der Berliner Charité über die bisher größten Erfolge im Kampf gegen das Virus.
2024-07-26 07:05'Menopause must be treated fairly for women at work'
A mother who says the menopause is "harrowing" backs a study to help employers treat women better.
BBC News Health
2024-07-26 05:43NHS and care regulator 'not fit for purpose'
The health secretary is 'stunned' by failings in inspecting hospitals, GPs and care homes in England.
BBC News Health
2024-07-26 05:28TikTok midwife: ‘Jealous colleagues bullied me out’
The former midwife at Bristol's Southmead Hospital is suing for constructive unfair dismissal.
BBC News Health
2024-07-26 02:01Stuck in hospital for months - but not ill
No suitable home has been found in the community for the 36-year-old, who is disabled.
BBC News Health
2024-07-25 21:40Rabies is Spreading in South African Seals, Scientists Say
The outbreak may be the first ever documented in marine mammals.
New York Times - Health
2024-07-25 21:02Western Wildfire Smoke Reaches the East Coast
Wildfire smoke from the Western United States and Canada is blowing across the Northeast, lowering air quality and endangering vulnerable populations.
New York Times - Health
2024-07-25 17:22Breast Cancer Survival Not Boosted by Double Mastectomy, Study Says
A large study showed that for most patients, having both breasts removed after cancer was detected in one made no difference.
New York Times - Health
2024-07-25 17:00Shingles vaccine may help delay dementia - study
There is growing evidence that a vaccine against shingles may also protect against dementia.
BBC News Health
2024-07-25 16:19Stiftung Warentest: Was Studierende zur Krankenversicherung wissen müssen
Wer studieren will, braucht eine Krankenversicherung. Welche Auswahl Studierende haben und was sie beachten sollten – Tipps von Stiftung Warentest.
2024-07-25 14:01Blood stocks drop to 'unprecedentedly low levels'
The NHS is appealing for people with O-type blood to urgently come forward and donate.
BBC News Health
2024-07-25 13:24Kaum bekannte Krankheit: Sie müssen oft husten und sind ständig heiser? Vielleicht steckt ein stiller Reflux dahinter
Beim stillen Reflux sorgen aufsteigende Aerosolwolken für gereizte Schleimhäute in Hals und Rachen. Die Beschwerden sind unangenehm – doch es gibt Tipps und Tricks, die helfen.
2024-07-25 09:32Künstliche Befruchtung: In-vitro-Fertilisation – was ist das eigentlich?
Eine In-vitro-Fertilisation, kurz IVF, ist eine Methode zur künstlichen Befruchtung. Wie läuft sie genau ab? Und wie stehen die Chancen, dass ein Kind zur Welt kommt?

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